

One of the great functions of the church is corporate worship. In the words of John Piper: “Missions exist because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions…when this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, missions will be no more.” Therefore, we desire to give ourselves wholeheartedly to that which is eternal – the worship of God.

The worship ministries of FBCO serve by leading our faith family to glorify God through authentic musical worship in order that we may praise God with full hearts in thanksgiving for what He has done in our lives! In order for us to give people from varying backgrounds the opportunity to worship in their heart language, we offer two services that differ in musical style yet remain completely committed to lifting high the One who is worthy of our praise.

Our music ministry provides an avenue through which individuals may share their gifts and be an integral part of the worship. Whether through our choir, our praise band, or through the congregation, we encourage you to take your place in lifting your voice to the Lord.


Musically, our 9:30 Sunday morning traditional service is led by our choir and centers around the powerful hymns of our faith. 

For more information, please see Frank Nettles.


Our 11:00 Sunday morning contemporary service is led by our band and focuses on modern songs and hymns, that are also anchored in rich and solid theology. 

For more information, please see Morgan Strickland.