Men’s Ministry

In today’s culture, the key to reaching the home for Christ is to start with the man. Men have been uniquely and specifically designed and called by God to be spiritual leaders in their home, church, and community.  It is more important than ever for men to honor God and stay strong in the face of mounting personal and spiritual …

Women’s Ministry

FBCO women’s ministry exists to connect the hearts of women into meaningful relationships with each other.  We desire to provide opportunities for women to grow toward maturity in Christ through discipleship, fellowship, service, and outreach.  It is our goal to provide opportunities for our ladies to study God’s Word together; opportunities for fellowship and encouragement with each other; and opportunities …

Orphan Ministry

The FBCO orphan ministry exists to find practical ways to live out James 1:27, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans…in their affliction…”  The Bible makes it clear that caring for orphans is not reserved only for a few Christians – it is a command for all Christians.  Although we desire to …

Widow Ministry

Throughout the Old Testament, God reveals to us His heart for widows.  While condemning those who would take advantage of them, He calls His people to be those that treat widows with great love and care. So, it’s no wonder that the New Testament reveals that one of the key focuses of a local church is to show honor and …

Common Thread Sewing Ministry

Whether you sew, knit, quilt, or crotchet, FBCO Common Thread Sewing Ministry is a creative way to fellowship and reach out in order to meet unmet needs. This ministry can benefit a variety of individuals or groups like nursing homes, hospitals, homeless shelters, and even assist our international missions teams. Common Thread meets every Thursday at 10AM .

Care and Share

We desire to minister to the sick, recovering and grieving within our faith family. Care and Share is a ministry where our faith family members support each other through bringing meals to those within our membership that are experiencing times of difficulty. For more information, please see Christina Nelson.

Community Outreach

Part of what a local church is all about is serving the local community.  We believe and know that God has placed us in the Oceanway community for the Oceanway community.  One of the ways that we tangibly reach out to our community is through our annual Lord’s Harvest Festival.  While we thank God for allowing us to be a …

Greeter/First Impressions

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!  First impressions matter, because that’s the indelible feeling that most people walk away with.  Therefore, it is our desire to put a tremendous amount of stock into first impressions at FBCO. Every weekend, we are praying that God would send individuals/ families to join us in the worship of …

Production Team

The purpose of the FBCO production/AV team is to oversee the audiovisual aspects of our weekly services. There is a lot going on behind the scenes ever week. It takes a crew of volunteers to make it happen. Areas of ministry that greatly enhance our music and worship involve technical support in sound, visual presentation, and at times, video production. …

Prayer Ministry

“The Boiler Room” We know that prayer is an essential part of our lives as individuals and as a faith family. Prayer is the place where we experience and express intimacy with God. It is also the place from which we receive power for life and ministry. Charles Spurgeon, a famous preacher in the 18th century England, referred to prayer …